
The bugs are making their last efforts before the chilling nights arrive. We have clouds of mosquiltos, armies of ants and sporadic spiders everywhere. This one was particularly industrious and perfect yesterday. A thrilling sketch that could be my next quilting diagram. 

universal pattern

What is it? This is a high contrast graphic I created by scanning in a catalpa leaf and playing with the contrast and color. To my surprise as I zoomed in to the 600 DPI image I found this city scape of interconnected roads and arteries. I need to learn to stitch like this, it is a universal pattern.


Robin nest, Paula Kovarik, 2013

Gazing into a robin's nest next to my studio door it occurred to me that mama robin took great care to protect her progeny by building close to the center of the tree surrounded by sticker laden leaves. Those fuzzy bellied babies will have a great start in a dangerous world.

moving to a higher plane

Among the many wonders in our garden this Spring, this spider web has to be one of the top ten spectacles for the weekend. Twisted, contorted, wet and shimmering, it reminds me of the way my mind is working these days. The second story is a good touch...giving this web mistress differing points of view.



I've had this philodendron for over 30 years. It sits in a dark corner, needs about a cup of water every week and never complains. The roots wind around the old plastic pot as if in a dance. Periodically it drops a magnificently browned leave from its core. The stems are marked by the passing leaves with great sculptural detail. Then, in the Spring (how does it know?) it sends out a shiny new leaf that points straight to the sky. The texture is almost liquid, the color is from another planet of green. Time to wake up, smell the rain and reconfigure.