
I am working on the black and white quilt that has the big black spots on it and decided to do a study of cracking surfaces for the free motion quilting. Spent my afternoon walk taking pictures of cracks. Here is one that was almost exactly what I was looking for. The people at the bus stop watching me take pictures of these cracked sidewalks probably thought I was cracked myself

lumbering towards new horizons

The poet Rilke describes the way a swan lumbers over ground but glides so smoothly once in the water. I recently heard Joanna Macy read it on On Being (a wonderful podcast that never ceases to inspire me)

I feel like that lumbering Swan right now. Disoriented, ungraceful, lumbering. But the journey is only beginning. and that's the joy of it.

did i ever mention how much i hate web design?

Is there a point at which we all have to throw up our hands and say ENOUGH! My brain hurts trying to keep up with the thousand ways to design websites. None of which are as clear as their drag and drop promises pretend. I'm thinking I'm gonna travel to templateland soon to join with the rest of the folks out there just trying to see their way through it. I'll have to talk to my inner control freak and soothe her tired brain cells. I am ready to swoon in anticipation of having it all be DONE so that I can go back to designing again. Where did my limber 15 year old brain disappear to?